Featured Ports

Collection of featured ports by the community.

The list of featured port is updated daily.

An a tag pointing to the port must be included in either of the following ways in order for the linked port to be featured on Vcpkg.link.

  • The page pointed by the homepage field of the port.
  • The detected GitHub repository of the port.

Use the following widget to generate the link to the port you want to feature.

<a href="https://vcpkg.link/ports/">Vcpkg port</a>

Shields.io Badge

Shields.io badges can be used to present the latested publicshed version available on Vcpkg of a port. Therefore, this could also be used to provide access to the Vcpkg.link port page.

[![Vcpkg port](https://img.shields.io/vcpkg/v/)](https://vcpkg.link/ports/)