C++20 idiomatic APIs for the Apache Arrow Columnar Format
Shared MIME information from Freedesktop.org
An easy to use audio processing library
Portable ARIB STD-B24 caption decoder/renderer
AudioEngine created using C++, FFMPEG and OpenAL for a student
Tensor library for machine learning
LLM inference in C/C++
A little (single header) library to help with the print debugging in C++11 and forward.
A vision library for genicam based cameras.
GDBM is a library of database functions that use extensible hashing and works similar to the standard UNIX dbm.
Apache Arrow ADBC: Database Connectivity API for Arrow-based data systems
FlatBuffers Compiler and Library in C for C
Helpers for Arrow C Data & Arrow C Stream interfaces
Microsoft Game Development Kit (GDK)
Digital signal processing library for software-defined radios.
A general-purpose lightweight C++ graph library
Support for TrueType (.ttf) font files with Simple Directmedia Layer.
Generic Graphical Library.
Intrusive reference counting smart pointer, highly configurable reference counted base class and various adapters. Also known as libisptr.
libmypaint, a.k.a. "brushlib", is a library for making brushstrokes which is used by MyPaint and other projects.
Data package. Brushes used by MyPaint and other software using libmypaint.
A header only CSV parser which is fast and versatile with modern C++ API.
Immediate Mode 3D Plotting
Glob for C++17
A simple C++ header-only template library implementing matching using wildcards
Implements a full JSON parser and generator using GLib and GObject, and integrates JSON with GLib data types.
Free implementation of EtherNet/IP in C++
A library for communicating with and sending data to an Icecast server.
VM detection library
Allows applications to be instrumented with marker events, for use with Microsoft PIX.
A C++ library for interfacing with the MultiSense S family of sensors from Carnegie Robotics.
AMD: Routines for permuting sparse matrices prior to factorization in SuiteSparse
BTF: Software package for permuting a matrix into block upper triangular form in SuiteSparse
AMD: Routines for permuting sparse matrices prior to factorization in SuiteSparse
CCOLAMD: Routines for constrained column approximate minimum degree ordering algorithm in SuiteSparse
CHOLMOD: Routines for factorizing sparse symmetric positive definite matrices in SuiteSparse
COLAMD: Routines for column approximate minimum degree ordering algorithm in SuiteSparse
Configuration for SuiteSparse libraries
CXSparse: Software package for permuting a matrix into block upper triangular form in SuiteSparse
SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS: graph algorithms in the language of linear algebra
KLU: Routines for solving sparse linear systems of equations in SuiteSparse
LDL: A sparse LDL' factorization and solve package in SuiteSparse
Mongoose: Graph partitioning library in SuiteSparse
ParU: Routines for solving sparse linear system via parallel multifrontal LU factorization algorithms in SuiteSparse
RBio: routines for reading/writing sparse matrices in Rutherford/Boeing format in SuiteSparse
SPEX: Software package for SParse EXact algebra in SuiteSparse
SPQR: Multithreaded, multifrontal, rank-revealing sparse QR factorization method in SuiteSparse
UMFPACK: Routines solving sparse linear systems via LU factorization in SuiteSparse
The projectM Music Visualizer. A cross-platform, OpenGL-based reimplementation of Milkdrop as a reusable library.
A simple C++ Open Sound Control (OSC) packet manipulation library