The missing small and fast image decoding library for humans (not for machines) ⛵
The package sail provides CMake targets:
C libraries:
find_package(Sail CONFIG REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE SAIL::sail)
C++ bindings:
find_package(SailC++ CONFIG REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE SAIL::sail-c++)
Enable all codecs
Enable AVIF codec
Enable BMP codec
Enable GIF codec
Enable high priority codecs such as JPEG or PNG
Enable ICO codec
Enable JPEG codec
Enable JPEG2000 codec
Enable low priority codecs such as TGA
Enable lowest priority codecs such as XBM
Enable medium priority codecs such as AVIF
Enable PCX codec
Enable PNG codec
Enable PSD codec
Enable QOI codec
Enable TGA codec
Enable TIFF codec
Enable WAL codec
Enable WEBP codec
Enable XBM codec