An audio mixer library based on the SDL library, a fork of SDL_mixer
sdl2-mixer-ext provides CMake targets:
find_package(SDL2_mixer_ext CONFIG REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE $<IF:$<TARGET_EXISTS:SDL2_mixer_ext::SDL2_mixer_ext>,SDL2_mixer_ext::SDL2_mixer_ext,SDL2_mixer_ext::SDL2_mixer_ext_Static>)
Use external command for playing music (Linux only).
Use FFMPEG to play WMA and AAC audio formats.
Use FluidSynth to play MIDI audio format.
Use libADLMIDI to play XMI, MUS, IMF and regular MIDI audio format with OPL3 (YMF262) emulator.
Use libflac to play FLAC audio format.
Use libgme to play chip music (AY, GBS, GYM, HES, KSS, NSF/NSFE, SAP, SPC, VGM/VGZ).
Use libmodplug to play tracker music including exclusive formats (AMS, DMF, DSM, MT2).
Use libOPNMIDI to play MIDI and RMI audio format with OPN2 (YM2612) emulator.
Use libvorbis to play OGG audio format.
Use libxmp to play tracker music including exclusive formats (ABK, DIGI, DTM, EMOD, FLX, FNK, GDM, IMF, J2B, LIQ, M15, MFP, MGT, MMDC, MTN, RTM, SFX, SPM, STIM, STX, WOW).
Use mpg123 to play MP3 audio format.
Use Native MIDI Player to play MIDI audio format.
Use opusfile to play Opus audio format.
Use Timidity to play MIDI audio format.
Use wavpack to play VW audio format.