The Discord GameSDK is an easy drop-in SDK to help you manage all the hard things that come with making a game.
The package discord-game-sdk does not provides CMake integration:
find_library(GAME_SDK discord_game_sdk)
target_link_libraries(<my_target> PRIVATE ${GAME_SDK})
find_path(GAME_SDK_INCLUDE discord-game-sdk/discord.h)
target_include_directories(<my_target> PRIVATE ${GAME_SDK_INCLUDE})
The C++ SDK source code is compiled in a static library:
find_library(CPP_GAME_SDK discord_game_sdk_cpp)
target_link_libraries(<my_target> PRIVATE ${CPP_GAME_SDK})
((x64 & (windows | osx | linux)) | (x86 & windows) | (arm64 & osx)) & !uwp & !static
Complex license