C++ logging library. It is powerful, supports asynchronous low latency, extendable, light-weight, fast performing, thread and type safe and consists of many built-in features. It provides ability to write logs in your own customized format. It also provide support for logging your classes, third-party libraries, STL and third-party containers etc.
easyloggingpp can be imported via CMake FindPkgConfig module:
find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED)
pkg_check_modules(easyloggingpp easyloggingpp REQUIRED IMPORTED_TARGET)
target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE PkgConfig::easyloggingpp)
Do not write to default log file "myeasylog.log" (compile with ELPP_NO_DEFAULT_LOG_FILE)
Use std::mutex for thread synchronization (compile with ELPP_FORCE_USE_STD_THREAD)
Make easyloggingpp thread safe (compile with ELPP_THREAD_SAFE)