Mapnik is an open source toolkit for developing mapping applications.
The package mapnik provides CMake targets:
find_package(mapnik CONFIG REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE mapnik::mapnik mapnik::json mapnik::wkt)
If you only need the compile definitions without any sources, use target mapnik::core.
If any plugins were installed, call the function `mapnik_find_plugin_dir(MAPNIK_PLUGIN_DIR)` to get the plugin installation folder for the currently used configuration. See the docs for more information.
Cairo renderer
Grid renderer
CSV input plugin
GDAL input plugin
GEOBUF input plugin
GEOJSON input plugin
OGR input plugin
PGRASTER input plugin
POSTGIS input plugin
RASTER input plugin
SHAPE input plugin
SQLITE input plugin
TOPOJSON input plugin
add jpeg support
use libxml2 instead of rapidxml
add png support
PROJ Functionalities
SVG renderer
add tiff support
utility application geometry-to-wkb
utility application mapnik-index
utility application mapnik-render
utility application ogrindex
utility application pgsql2sqlite
utility application shapeindex
utility application svg2png
Make demo viewer application
add webp support