Modern C++ ORM library for Qt framework
Build TinyDrivers MySQL database driver (provided by TinyDrivers)
Remove all thread_local storage duration specifiers (disables multi-threading support)
Use inline constants instead of extern constants in shared builds
Install MySQL C client library (libmysql) to support the mysql_ping()
Enable ORM-related source code (without it only the query builder is compiled)
Build Qt SQL MySQL database driver (provided by QtSql)
Build Qt SQL PostgreSQL database driver (provided by QtSql)
Build Qt SQL SQLite database driver (provided by QtSql)
Propagate strict compiler/linker options and Qt definitions
Enable Tom-related source code (command-line interface)
Build Tom command-line application example
!(uwp | arm | android | emscripten | osx | ios | xbox | freebsd | openbsd | wasm32)