Displaying 351-400 of 2562 search Vcpkg ports.
BS::thread_pool: a fast, lightweight, modern, and easy-to-use C++17 / C++20 / C++23 thread pool library
networking library, ans support HTTP/WebSocket, based on asio.
A supplemental C++ library with functionalities not directly supported from Modern C++ standard.
Modern C++ wrapper classes and utilities of the original sqlite3 API
Bullet Physics is a professional collision detection, rigid body, and soft body dynamics library
C++11 implementation of {{ mustache }}
butteraugli estimates the psychovisual difference between two images
TempDir: Simplified Temporary Directory for C++
A C++ header-only ZLib/libBZ2/libLZMA/Zstandard wrapper.
A C++17-like byte type for C++98, C++11 and later in a single-file header-only library
bzip2 is a freely available, patent free, high-quality data compressor. It typically compresses files to within 10% to 15% of the best available techniques (the PPM family of statistical compressors), whilst being around twice as fast at compression and six times faster at decompression.
A C library for asynchronous DNS requests
A dbg(...) macro for C
Library of low-level C++ utilities
string functions from newer standards / common non-standards for C89
Pluggable caching engine to build and scale high performance cache services.
an open source implementation of the actor model for C++ featuring lightweight & fast actor implementations, pattern matching for messages, network transparent messaging, and more.
Cairo is a 2D graphics library with support for multiple output devices. Currently supported output targets include the X Window System (via both Xlib and XCB), Quartz, Win32, image buffers, PostScript, PDF, and SVG file output. Experimental backends include OpenGL, BeOS, OS/2, and DirectFB.
A C++ wrapper for the cairo graphics library
C library to access the binary planetary ephemeris files.
percipio.xyz cameras SDK
A tiny, single-header <canvas>-like 2D rasterizer for C++
Data interchange format and capability-based RPC system
Multi-architecture disassembly framework
A lightweight cross-platform getopt alternative that works on Linux, Windows and macOS. Command line argument parser library for C/C++. Can be used to parse argv and argc parameters.
CasADi is a symbolic framework for numeric optimization implementing automatic differentiation in forward and reverse modes on sparse matrix-valued computational graphs. It supports self-contained C-code generation and interfaces state-of-the-art codes such as SUNDIALS, IPOPT etc. It can be used from C++, Python or Matlab/Octave.
An open-source implementation of library for reading CASC storage from Blizzard games since 2014
Deprecated alias for Catch2 unit testing framework
A modern, header-only test framework for unit tests
A modern, C++-native, test framework for unit-tests, TDD and BDD.
Metapackage for packages which provide CBLAS
c++ bindings for capstone disasembly framework
Library for collision detection between two convex shapes
CCfits is an object oriented interface to the cfitsio library. It is designed to make the capabilities of cfitsio available to programmers working in C++.
Computer vision library for detecting CCTag markers made up of concentric circles
two libraries that cooperate with <chrono> to give C++ programmers all the necessary tools for computing with dates, times, and time zones in a simple and correct manner.
C implementation of the Double Description Method
Constrained Delaunay Triangulation
Celero is a modern cross-platform (Windows, Linux, MacOS) Microbenchmarking library for C++ 11 and later.
Higher level programming in C
a header-only C++11 serialization library (built in support for binary, XML and JSon)
non-linear optimization package
Library of C and Fortran subroutines for reading and writing data files in FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) data format
The Computational Geometry Algorithms Library (CGAL) is a C++ library that aims to provide easy access to efficient and reliable algorithms in computational geometry.
GNU Cgicc is an ANSI C++ compliant class library that greatly simplifies the creation of CGI applications for the World Wide Web
Highly Optimized Graphics Math (glm) for C
Single-file glTF 2.0 loader and writer written in C99
The CFD General Notation System (CGNS) provides a standard for recording and recovering computer data associated with the numerical solution of fluid dynamics equations.
Embedded Scripting Language Designed for C++