The Geographic Data Abstraction Library for reading and writing geospatial raster and vector data
The package GDAL provides CMake targets:
target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE GDAL::GDAL)
Enable libarchive support
Optimized detection of AWS EC2 Windows hosts
Enable cfitsio support
Enable CURL network support
Default set of features, including recommended features
Use EXPAT library
Enable FREEXL support
Enable GEOS support
Enable GIF support
Enable HDF5 support
Use iconv library
Use JPEG compression library
Enable KEA driver
Enable LERC support
Enable the LibKML driver
Create or update SpatiaLite databases using libspatialite
Use LibXML2 library
Use LZMA library
Add mysql support using libmariadb
Enable NetCDF support
Use OpenJPEG library
Use OpenSSL library
Enable PCRE2 support for sqlite3
Use PNG compression library
Enable PDF reading support via poppler
Enable PostgreSQL support
Use QHULL library
Features that are explicity marked as recommended by GDAL.
Enable SQLite3 support
This feature is an alias for default-features. It is retained for compatibility.
This feature does nothing. It is retained for compatibility.
Builds gdal and ogr executables
Enable WEBP support
Use ZSTD library
Complex license