Displaying 1001-1050 of 2562 search Vcpkg ports.
Text completion helpers and widgets
Configuration system
Widgets for configuration dialogs
Addons to QtCore
KCrash provides support for intercepting and handling application crashes.
Convenience classes for D-Bus
Integration of QML and KDE work spaces
Powerful libraries (KChart, KGantt) for creating business diagrams
lobal desktop keyboard shortcuts
Addons to QtGui
Holiday calculation library
Advanced internationalization framework
Icon GUI utilities
Models for Qt Model/View system
Widget addons for Qt Model/View
Widgets for showing progress of asynchronous jobs
Utilities for KDE System Settings modules
Network transparent access to files and data
Framework for downloading and sharing additional application data
Desktop notifications
Installation and loading of additional content (ex: scripts, images...) as packages
Plugin framework for user interface component
Lightweight plotting framework
Plugin framework for desktop services
Desktop hardware abstraction
Multi-language spell checker
Syntax highlighting engine for Kate syntax definitions
Full text editor component
Text editing widgets
Safe desktop-wide storage for passwords
Addons to QtWidgets
Access to the windowing system
Framework for managing menu and toolbar actions
Fast, modern C++ DSP framework.
Kinect for Windows SDK for Kinect v1 sensor.
Kinect for Windows SDK for Kinect v2 sensor.
A Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) library that tries to Keep it Simple, Stupid
Keep It Simple Stupid NETwork - C++17 wrapping of your OS's native socket API
Klein is an implementation of P(R*_{3, 0, 1}), aka 3D Projective Geometric Algebra. It is designed for applications that demand high-throughput (animation libraries, kinematic solvers, etc).
A cross platform lock-free and timer-supported C++11 network library.
krabsetw is a header-only C++ library that simplifies interacting with ETW.
Kerberos is a network authentication protocol.
The Khronos KTX library and tools.
A portable, simple zip library written in C
Kubernetes C client
Kuku is a compact and convenient cuckoo hashing library written in C++.
This library is part of the Kvasir project. Kvasir is a collection of zero cost statically checked libraries for resource constrained systems including microcontrollers.
Provides platform-independent APIs to many common system features
C++ library for value-oriented design using the unidirectional data-flow architecture
Metapackage for packages which provide LAPACK