Displaying 2201-2250 of 2548 search Vcpkg ports.
An additive strong typedef library for C++14/17/20
An easy to customize, strong type library with built in support for unit-like behavior
robust, optimized and portable string processing algorithms for the C++ language
STX is a collection of libraries and utilities designed to make working with C++ easier and less error-prone.
Standard Template Library for Extra Large Data Sets
A suite of sparse matrix algorithms
AMD: Routines for permuting sparse matrices prior to factorization in SuiteSparse
BTF: Software package for permuting a matrix into block upper triangular form in SuiteSparse
AMD: Routines for permuting sparse matrices prior to factorization in SuiteSparse
CCOLAMD: Routines for constrained column approximate minimum degree ordering algorithm in SuiteSparse
CHOLMOD: Routines for factorizing sparse symmetric positive definite matrices in SuiteSparse
COLAMD: Routines for column approximate minimum degree ordering algorithm in SuiteSparse
Configuration for SuiteSparse libraries
CXSparse: Software package for permuting a matrix into block upper triangular form in SuiteSparse
SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS: graph algorithms in the language of linear algebra
KLU: Routines for solving sparse linear systems of equations in SuiteSparse
LAGraph: Library plus test harness for collecting algorithms that use GraphBLAS
LDL: A sparse LDL' factorization and solve package in SuiteSparse
Mongoose: Graph partitioning library in SuiteSparse
ParU: Routines for solving sparse linear system via parallel multifrontal LU factorization algorithms in SuiteSparse
RBio: routines for reading/writing sparse matrices in Rutherford/Boeing format in SuiteSparse
SPEX: Software package for SParse EXact algebra in SuiteSparse
SPQR: Multithreaded, multifrontal, rank-revealing sparse QR factorization method in SuiteSparse
UMFPACK: Routines solving sparse linear systems via LU factorization in SuiteSparse
SUNDIALS (SUite of Nonlinear and DIfferential/ALgebraic equation Solvers)
Supernodal sparse direct solver.
sort.h is an implementation of a ton of sorting algorithms in C with a user-defined type that is provided at include time.
SymEngine is a fast symbolic manipulation library
A set of C++ classes and macros which provide an event-driven simulation kernel in C++
Table maker for modern C++
Tacopie is a TCP Client & Server C++11 library
TagLib Audio Meta-Data Library
TA-Lib - Technical Analysis Library
C++ header-only JSON library
an NDIS 6 implementation of the TAP-Windows driver, used by OpenVPN and other apps. Note: This package only contains the headers for the driver.
Fast and lightweight thread pool for C++11 and newer.
Fast Parallel Tasking Programming Library using Modern C++
Intel's Threading Building Blocks.
Implementation of C++20's std::span for older compilers
Tcl provides a powerful platform for creating integration applications that tie together diverse applications, protocols, devices, and frameworks. When paired with the Tk toolkit, Tcl provides the fastest and most powerful way to create GUI applications that run on PCs, Unix, and Mac OS X. Tcl can also be used for a variety of web-related tasks and for creating powerful command languages for applications.
Templatized command-line argument parser for C++
TCP based publish-subscribe library for C++
C++ library to communicate with Microsoft SQL Server
Telnet++ is an implementation of the Telnet Session Layer protocol using C++17
Library for computation using data flow graphs for scalable machine learning (C API version)
Library for computation using data flow graphs for scalable machine learning (C++ API version)
This meta package holds common files for the C [tensorflow] and the C++ [tensorflow-cc] API version of TensorFlow but is not installable on its own.
A tensor-aware point-to-point communication primitive for machine learning
Termcolor is a header-only C++ library for printing colored messages to the terminal.
An OCR Engine that was developed at HP Labs between 1985 and 1995... and now at Google.